Ethical Leadership Courses

Ethical Leadership Courses in Namibia

2KO Namibia offers courses in ethical leadership in Windhoek and other major cities around the country, depending on demand.
Ethical leadership requires a consistency of behavior and attitude that can be challenged each day. Ethical leaders have boundaries within which to operate. They serve as role models to others inside of the organization, and outside of the organization, as to what behavior is acceptable.


Our Leadership Course Listings for you


We need boundaries in order to make good ethical choices. Looking at the history of successful organizations tells us that the creation of ethical boundaries is the key to thriving and surviving. Tomorrow's leaders are the ones who, through excellence and strong character, stood within their ethical boundaries today. After completing this module, you will solidify your own personal code of ethics by determining your ethical boundaries. You will use your own personal experience and the experience of others to cement approaches in ethical decision- making. You will resolve to be the role model as a leader in your organization, community and family.


At the completion of this module, participants will be able to:
Determine our ethical boundaries
Model ethical values and principle
Make decisions based on ethics